International Women’s Day 2024: Celebrating Women in Tech

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace is the key to success. According to an article from Forbes, companies with a diverse senior leadership team produce 19% more revenue. Diversity is also vital for tech companies, where innovation is the key to growth.

However, despite huge numbers of stats, facts and figure to back this up, women in technical roles still only account for 26.7% of the workforce* and here at Assured we are bolstering our efforts to buck the trend. We actively encourage women to apply for roles within our technical support, implementation, and development teams, proven by significantly growing the number of women working within our organisation. In just 12 months we have more than doubled our female workforce including new positions in technical roles.

International Women’s Day provides a great opportunity to celebrate those women, but also reminds us that we and others can always do more to encourage diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

We interviewed four women who work in a variety of roles in our technical departments to ask them what advice they would give to women in the workplace to help them promote inclusion, growth and development in their careers and organisations and how to support one another #InspireInclusion


Katie-Rose Murphy-Crowe, Junior Software Developer

Katie"I am responsible for implementing and maintaining features in the products we provide. I enjoy this job role particularly due to the major problem-solving aspect. Being a software developer allows me to continually engage in solving problems of varying nature and difficulty, which is refreshing as each issue presents an opportunity to exercise critical thinking and creativity in new ways."

Michelle Dexter, QA Lead Engineer



“My role is new to the development team to help test Assured applications and formalise the QA function within Development. This is my first week in the role, but it’s been great so far getting to know the team and settling in.”


Anastasia Miles, Installation Engineer

Anastasia“I install and configure applications based on user needs and system specs, ensuring they meet performance and security standards. I troubleshoot issues, collaborate with IT professionals for smooth deployment, and document procedures for future reference. Additionally, I provide technical support to end users and stay updated on the latest technologies and best practices in software deployment.”

Melissa de Carvalho Bernardino, Junior Install Engineer

Melissa“As an Installation Engineer, I am responsible for setting up new customers, precoprenfiguring equipment and understanding the customer environment to guide them on how to fully optimize their backup environment. I ensure that the customer is fully functioning and backing up before they are handed off to our client service and support team."


What career advice do you have for women in tech/STEM? 

Katie:  “Build a strong professional network within the workplace and the wider tech community, make sure to take the opportunities presented to you both within and outside of work for networking events and further study of the field, and seek out mentors and role-models. Make sure to make yourself heard, even when it feels difficult to do so, and always advocate for your work.”

Michelle:  “I have been in the IT industry for 25+ years and in this time, I have raised 2 children to adulthood. There were times in my career where flexibility in the job was key to balancing parenthood and career goals. For me, being a parent will always take priority over my career, but it shouldn’t stop you on your journey, if you don’t want it to. In my case, I chose to slow it down while my children were young but when they became more independent, I started to focus on taking on more responsibilities at work. So, my advice would be to openly communicate with your employer to agree a level of flexibility that works for both you and your employer to achieve what’s important to you.”

Anastasia:  “Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and staying updated on industry trends and technologies. Seeking out mentorship from experienced professionals, both within and outside their organization, can provide invaluable guidance and support in navigating career challenges and opportunities.”

Melissa:  “Surround yourself with people who challenge and support you, ensure your voice is heard, and share your ideas and concerns with advocates.”


What advice do you have for women looking to grow within the company they work for?

Katie:  “Set clear and defined goals for yourself and your career, make sure to identify all the specific skills and prerequisites for your desired career path and take any opportunity given to you to gain them. Don't be afraid to take on a challenging project or two; not only does it increase visibility, but it also provides great opportunities for personal and professional growth. The experience you gain during a tough project can also be a great showcase for your current capabilities and demonstrate your capacity for tackling complex issues.”

Anastasia:  “For those looking to advance within a company, it's essential to cultivate a strong personal brand, build a network of support and connections, and actively seek out opportunities for growth and advancement.”

Melissa:  “As a woman in tech, I've learned first-hand the importance of perseverance and self-belief in navigating this field. My advice is to continuously seek out opportunities for learning and skill development and cultivate good relationships with co-workers and customers.”


How can women strive for greater gender pay equality and push for systemic change around ideas that are new or not that popular?

Anastasia:  “Pushing for change requires persistence, effective communication, and collaboration with like-minded individuals and organizations.”

Melissa:  “Women can address the gender pay gap by actively enhancing their skill sets and demonstrating their value within their organizations. When implementing new ideas, always gather data and evidence to support your ideas, and be sensitive and smart about explaining and implementing them.”


How can women support other women in their organisations?

 Katie:  “To support the women around you, especially newer additions to the team, ensure their voices are heard during meetings, and make sure to create a supportive atmosphere so that they are not discouraged from sharing. If there are any networking events you are aware of (especially for women in tech) make sure they're aware of them and their potential for aiding career growth. Additionally, advocate for the recognition of their work through highlighting their achievements, skills, and potential to SLT.”

Anastasia:  “Women can support other women in their organizations by fostering a culture of inclusivity and empowerment, advocating for each other's advancement, and actively mentoring and sponsoring other women. By building strong networks of support and lifting each other up, women can collectively drive positive change and progress in their organizations and beyond.”


What strategies can work well to promote inclusion in the workplace?

Katie:  “Encourage discussion of diversity and inclusion through fostering an environment where employees feel comfortable and able to openly share their experiences and perspectives without being concerned about negative consequences. Already, the hybrid workplace model Assured uses promotes inclusivity and accommodates a diverse set of needs, especially for those who are caregivers.”


How can women develop their leadership skills?

Melissa:  “Women can develop their leadership skills through various avenues such as taking on leadership roles in projects, seeking out leadership training programs, and actively participating in professional development opportunities. Having a mentor can be incredibly valuable for women looking to grow as leaders. A mentor can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights based on their own experiences. They can offer perspective, help navigate challenges, and provide encouragement during moments of doubt.”

Anastasia: “Women can develop their leadership skills by seeking out opportunities to lead projects, taking on challenges outside their comfort zone, and investing in ongoing learning and development. Having a mentor can significantly accelerate leadership growth by providing guidance, feedback, and support based on their own experiences and expertise.”

If you are interested in finding out more about working for Assured Data Protection please drop us a line at or visit our Careers page to view our latest vacancies. 


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