Ransomware attacks have been hitting hard lately, with over half of organisations experiencing at least one this year, according to a recent study. Recovering data often means negoitating with cybercriminals, but why put an organisation in such position when there are ways of preventing it?
To select a suitable data recovery solution for your business, you need to think about a variety of factors. Helpnet Security asked Stacy Hayes, our EVP (Americas) for his thoughts:
"Today’s world of malicious threats, rising cases of ransomware, hyper-convergence, and hybrid cloud make disaster recovery infinitely more complex. Combine that with the time pressure of the business grinding to a halt whilst waiting on IT staff to mitigate any data breach, it’s quickly apparent that there is a real risk to any business to continue without a robust DR solution.
Firstly, before planning anything new, ensure you research the vendors and the technology that’s available to give you insight into some of the customers who chose each vendor. For best results, it’s important to find a technology that encompasses backup, instant recovery, replication, search, analytics, archival, compliance, and copy data management securely in the data centre and cloud.
Secondly, consider if your business can manage everything in-house or if you need to engage with an outsourced partner who provides a platform upon which you can recover your data to. Ensure they can provide a recovery environment that is comparable to that in the original workplace to allow your business to continue to function and proactively manage threats
Thirdly, find customer case studies from the providers you’ve been researching to see if any are applicable to you. Focus on companies who can share examples that illustrate in real, practical terms how a data security provider switch will look."
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