From pointless partner programme refreshes to undue favouritism, which vendor traits do reseller and MSP CEOs find most frustrating? Channel Partner Insight reports:
"The vendor/partner relationship is a staple in the IT channel, and as with most business partnerships, tend to be characterised by a love-hate dynamic.
Each party needs to work with the other in order to be successful in the channel, however vendors and partners can butt heads on how best to achieve this.
From jumping through hoops to contending with a never-ending list of partners, CRN spoke with reseller and MSP bosses to hear what has frustrated them the most this year when working with vendors."
Simon Chappell said: "There can sometimes be a challenge to align timescales with our vendors. As a self-financed MSP we take a very long-term view on our customer relationships as we interact with them daily and hope to keep them in perpetuity.
Vendors often have a shorter time frame as their goals are more likely to be based on quarterly or annual sales targets, goals that are often driven by external funders such as venture capital partners."
Click here to read the full article on Channel Partner Insight.