Sandeep Jandu, Senior Recovery Specialist at Assured Data Protection was recently interviewed by Networking + about dealing with disaster within your business.
Sandeep was asked about what a failsafe DR plan looks like, and he said:
“Studies show that a majority of DR plans fail when needed.
A DR plan can consist of many things and recovery of IT systems is only one part of that. The key parts of any plan should include contact details for staff and external organisations, what protocols and procedures need to be done in the scenario, expected order of events and expected timeframe of which things should be done, if staff relocation is in order, how will this happen and where do they need to go.
A complete DR plan looks at all aspects of a DR scenario not only within IT but as an organisation as a whole. One of Assured Data Protection’s strengths is that we can cater for multiple different scenarios.”
Click here to read the full article on Networking +.